Is it Possible to Deliver on The Patient Experience by Telehealth?
Telehealth is nothing new. In fact, the distribution of health-related services and information via telecommunication technologies can be...

What Patients Say about Their Fear…
Patients are fearful. And why wouldn’t they be? The hospital environment is as foreign to patients as it is comfortable for us. For...

It’s All About Us in Healthcare
In the past, the words “fear” and “patients” rarely occurred in the same sentence…until recently. How do I know? Because, for years, I’ve...

10 Must-haves in Your Patient-Experience Efforts
Organizations have become frantic in their efforts to improve the patient experience, as well as their scores; the move from volume to...

You Don't Say
Hey healthcare professionals, do you LOVE scripting? If you’re like most audience members I speak to around the country, your resounding...
Show Us Before-and-After Photos
I’ve always had a fascination with before-and-after photos. In the 70s and 80s, when I was growing up, the only redeeming factor of my...
Empathy- the defining moment of the patient experience
There seems to be lots of talk recently about empathy in healthcare. Perhaps we have come to realize that it may be the secret sauce that...