A Big Lesson in Baby Steps
Have you ever wondered what makes great healthcare organizations great? I think about it a lot, having had the privilege of working with...

Dave Bowie and Healthcare Leaders Could Share a Commonality
This morning, I awoke to the news that David Bowie died. Truthfully, I can’t name one David Bowie song or album. He shot to fame when I...

It’s All About Us in Healthcare
In the past, the words “fear” and “patients” rarely occurred in the same sentence…until recently. How do I know? Because, for years, I’ve...

10 Must-haves in Your Patient-Experience Efforts
Organizations have become frantic in their efforts to improve the patient experience, as well as their scores; the move from volume to...

Measuring Something That’s Not There
I recently had the pleasure of consulting for well-respected health system, with the intent of improving the patient experience. Part of...

Can Patients Really Judge Our Teamwork?
Healthcare has long asked patients to tell us how well we work together as a team. Having been a part of many of those teams over the...

Two Transformational Words for the ED
I vacation in Sheboygan, Wisconsin, once a year. That alone amazes me, but something that happened on this year’s annual escape, to visit...

You Don't Say
Hey healthcare professionals, do you LOVE scripting? If you’re like most audience members I speak to around the country, your resounding...
Show Us Before-and-After Photos
I’ve always had a fascination with before-and-after photos. In the 70s and 80s, when I was growing up, the only redeeming factor of my...