Empathy- the defining moment of the patient experience
There seems to be lots of talk recently about empathy in healthcare. Perhaps we have come to realize that it may be the secret sauce that...

New and exciting happenings with Sweeney Healthcare...
It is SO exciting when new things come around! I can't wait to share these with you!
Talking Back to Your Doctor 1 21 0 The Checkup from Slate and WBUR on why it’s so hard, and so impor
Speaking of fears- here's a podcast about one of the biggest fears patients have... the inability to question medical authority....
Colleen Sweeney Promo Video
This is exciting! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJ9EqMWO9cc
Hospital MISSION IMPOSSIBLE to Remember
Whenever I speak to healthcare organizations, I ask them during a particular part of my keynote to tell me their promise to the...

Whack-a-Mole (the endless HCAHPS strategy game)
Remember that old game played at the county fair? You would gain points as you hit a mole with a mallet that popped out of a hole. The...
Hospitals Say Leadership is the Key Driver and Barrier to a Better Patient Experience
Another great article to read. http://medcitynews.com/2013/05/hospitals-say-leadership-is-the-key-driver-and-barrier-to-a-better-patient-...
An empathy video that asks you to stand in someone else's shoes
This is a very touching video. It really makes you think. http://goo.gl/lyMrK
Balancing Consistency and Innovation in Healthcare
This article is from The Healthcare Blog. This is a great read! Click here to read the article.
Doctor Empathy Linked With Better Patient Outcomes: Study
HUFFPOST HEALTHY LIVING article... Click here to read more.