Call to Book: 574-286-0141 sweeneyhealthcareadm@gmail.com
In the spring of 2014, Colleen launched the One4One Challenge in partnership with The Rhema Project. Scholarships will be awarded to young Indian women enrolled in the program for the next school year. Each student also has a 6-week practicum in a local hospital. Upon graduation, job placement is arranged at local hospitals and clinics for every student.
Sponsorship Details
Your donation will sponsor one student and includes:
Books and Supplies
Housing and Transportation
Join Colleen with her One4One Challenge.
Colleen is grateful for the opportunity to contribute: “A career dedicated to improving healthcare in the United States and then having the opportunity to help others abroad is how I would define ‘living the dream.’” Currently, Sweeney Healthcare Enterprises is working to establish a Woman and Children's Clinic in India and to raise scholarships to educate young Indian girls as nurse aids, forever changing their future.